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My Lockdown Reflections - Kate Burnham

How many weeks has it been now? I forget, just as half the time, I don’t know which day of the week it is. Being retired, I don’t have the structure of a working day and week but I used to have structure from the groups and meetings I used to attend. I have missed my family although our weekly Zoom meetings keep us in touch more regularly than in usual times! Technology has been a great benefit and has also been employed to speak to friends and of course, to meet our lovely choir members!  

I have loved that the pace of life has been slower, the traffic reduced and the environment improved by less air travel. We are sitting in the garden more and by the river, walking to the beach and enjoying the natural world, especially the woodpeckers visiting our feeders, now accompanied by a chick. The birdsong seems clearer and more melodic. I feel very lucky to live in a beautiful part of the country with a small population. I am also grateful that, unlike many others, I do not have the worry of job security and the financial problems that can bring. 

I have been able to indulge hobbies which I love – reading new titles and re-reading old favourites. 

I really enjoy sewing and making patchwork quilts and vowed to finish off the many items started and then put away, as well as making a quilt for my niece’s wedding in September.  However, I became involved with the Amble Sewing for the NHS group, which is making

Now, there will be some easing of the restrictions which have made the past weeks so strange. I have mixed feelings about this. I know my grandchildren, and their parents, are desperate to get back to school and work but have enjoyed having more time together. I am concerned that some people will assume that life can just go back to the way it was at the beginning of the year, forgetting that the virus is still a relevant danger to many people. The health crisis brought out many positive, altruistic qualities in our society as well as showing up faults. I hope that in the future neither of these will be forgotten. 

Warkworth, June 21st 2020


A useful singing warm-up with exercises and tips on singing high whilst keeping your voice safe, from choir leader and singing teacher, Sarah Gray.

BlueJam Jazz Lockdown Videos

We really miss playing music together, so we have been making up for it by devising a series of videos with the BlueJam Jazz team and our visiting artists.  These give you the opportunity to play and sing along with us and practise new skills. If you want to join the project we will show you how to record your own solos and arrangements to share with us.

We have finished the first seven videos! This one from Sarah Gray is 'number 6' of this series.

All videos can be downloaded from our website or YouTube channel. Please pass them on to friends and encourage them to subscribe. They are free - if you'd like us to make more, please donate via the PayPal button on the website.

We are going to be running some introductory Zoom sessions around these videos  - please contact us if you would like some more information. Details will be on the website and facebook pages

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